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TRM Good As Gold+MAG

€55,00 €50,00
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Product description

Good as Gold + MAG is a complementary feeding-stuff for horses containing supplementary levels of Magnesium and Tryptophan, which have an important role in the maintenance of normal nerve function. It is suitable for addition to the feed of nervous, hot or highly strung horses.

It contains a high level of Magnesium, which is in chelated form for better absorption; B vitamins which have important nutritional functions in the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system; and L-Tryptophan, a precursor amino acid in the formation of serotonin.


Good as Gold + MAG Key-ingredients explained


  • L-Tryptophanis the precursor of Serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, which is deficient in depression, and naturally enhances sleep.

  • MagnesiumUnder normal conditions, the majority of calcium is kept outside of the cell, where as magnesium is mostly found inside it. Stress responses vitally involve the influx of calcium into the cells, thus dramatically altering the cell magnesium to calcium ration. Calcium acts to encourage nerve excitation, adrenaline secretion and adrenaline response. The stress response subsides when magnesium is allowed to suppress all these factors so that they return to normal. 

  • B VitaminsHorses with B Vitamin deficiency may have a reduction in GABA neurotransmitters which have an inhibitory or calming effect.

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